Linear Text

Linear Text

When we all think of text we often refer to the same examples such as books, essays, and other textual works. All of the examples have one thing in common, they’re linear. How are they linear we may be asking our self? They are all read the same way from left to right of the paper without any variations. Not all text is the same how ever and not all are linear. Digital text is an example of text that doesn’t actually require being linear. Actually digital text is very often never linear if not the opposite. Hypertext is one example of digital text, which is unlinear. Hypertext is a very interesting form of text because it can be used to link readers to pages that are not as brief and can clarify any question the reader may have. As we can see not only has digital text changed but the coding for websites as well. For example a picture of Google from 1999 and a picture of Google from 2010.

When watching the video on Digital_text we begin to ask ourselves about all the changes that have occurred with technology in the past few years. The video gives us a good explanation on how digital text has transformed the internet. This process was sort of like an evolution. As we all have had to adapt to the major changes and also as new things begin to appear such as XML. We are forced to adapt to the changes not by force but its sort of like an obligation. What does it mean to Rethink. We rethink things every second not only when thinking about work or school but say for example a new phone comes out. The phone has new features we have to rethink what we have previously done with our old phone to try and adapt our self to use. Most of us now a days won't be able to survive a full day without the use of technology but think of this there was no TELEVISION until 1926 so people at that time has to rethink how they went about life all the time before to adapt to the Television.

Not only is technology transforming but also with the new technology out the education system has had to rethink there usual teaching techniques in order to keep up with new tools that are becoming available to teachers. Instead of the classic way of teaching which only required some reading of a text book and answering questions,with the new technology available it makes it possible to allow students to extend their knowledge of the topic by using a computer to get more details about the certain topic. Some of the advanced also allow for specific classes to be taught such as Tech Writing which requires alot of work on the computers and alot of searching of the internet.

In conclusion it has became clear that as technology improves and new technology is realeased as a human we are forced to rethink our everyday understanding of things in order to adapt to the advances. With all the new technology coming out and also the rapid changing from text requiering to be linear and now not being linear due to digital text we can ask ourselves what will the future hold for us.
© Johnny Olivo 2011